The lift arrives and along with it, the mirrors. Actually the iron box, which goes up and down continuously, has mirrors only on three of the fourth sides, the fourth, where the door is, always slides open and closed with a swoosh sound. But child arthur doesn’t like this going-up-and-down box at all, because mum arthur always tries to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirrors, checking her image and constantly adjusting whatever she thinks might be amiss in her appearance; the task is quite demanding, for the going-up-and-down box takes a very short time to do its job, but mum arthur seems to know by instinct where she can find her spinsterish pleats, buttons and hooks and how much make-up to put on or how to use a eyelash brush, so it doesn’t make any difference if you push button 0 or button 7.
Versione inglese
Pasquale D’Ascola insegna teatro al Conservatorio di Milano dove ha creato il laboratorio d’avanguardia di teatro, musica e spettacolo Limes. Una vera scoperta per il mondo dell’editoria che ha incontrato un autore colto, attento che invita i lettori a sfidarlo giocando a comprendere cosa scrive “fuori dalle righe, fuori dal quaderno, fuori proprio dal banco”.
Altri lavori: Il viaggio di Cecchelin e Cyrano pubblicato dalla Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, il saggio Il pieno è il vuoto (Ipocpress ) e molteplici pezzi teatrali didattici.
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