Chronicles of a Macho Feminazi

Chronicles of a Macho Feminazi

Por David Artime

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Frank The Jewell Medina is a man of today. He has always been respectful of women's own spaces and has deconstructed himself David Artime as a man. Until one Saturday night, drunk, he sees his girlfriend partying. (Candás, 1977), one of the leading authors in the Asturian language, Then the insecurities of the fragile male emerge. Frank meets Mr. Dick, an extremely popular seduction coach who shows unsuccessful men how to charm women. Disgusted with the dating game, Frank starts the Involuntary Simp Movement that seeks to make women feel attracted to socially aware men instead of the brainless macho disciples of Mr. Dick. The emergence of the Association of Violent Women and its terrorist attacks against the greatest exponents of sexism take gender equality to a new dimension.

David Artime


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