Faith of the Butterfly

Faith of the Butterfly

Por Susannah Dawn, Roland Naul

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Faith of the Butterfly?is Susannah’s two-year journey of reinvention and overcoming the pains of her past while, in her own words, deciding to be “done with boxes.” It’s a story that begins with that first day in Sephora, and follows the transition from her painful closet into a cocoon from which she was finally able to reemerge into the world. It was not an easy journey, with deep and emotionally painful valleys scattered along her path, yet her path also included some amazing miracles, and her faith only grew during her travels. One of the key aspects of her passage were the friends who joined her journey; those who only knew Susannah and a select few from her past to whom she came out. Together, they helped her push past the boundaries of her comfort zone—letting?her move at her own pace—to start her return to being the outgoing person she was in her early youth and to become the confident woman she is today.

Roland Naul


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